An Apology, an Update, and a Hint of Things to Come

Hello to my few but faithful readers!!

I know, as a blogger, I have been the absolute worst. I’ve hardly posted a thing all summer. But I think I have a fairly good excuse:


Cutting the cake!

Yup, our partners-in-crime status is now legally and religiously official. We could not be more excited about taking on all our future adventures as husband and wife. But turns out that planning a wedding–even a laid-back backyard affair–is a fairly time consuming process, leaving me no free time with which to write.

That does not mean, however, that we didn’t still find time to go on adventures (those were the other things filling up my free time). There was a family trip to Hawaii, several long weekends in Paradise Valley, and most recently, we just returned from our honeymoon up in beautiful British Columbia.

Plus we’ve got lots of fun things coming down the pike: at least one hunting trip, some time up in Glacier National Park, and a trip to San Diego in January to name a few. So hang in there, and I promise to be more intentional about posting in this upcoming year (I used to be a teacher, and September is still a more meaningful New Year for me than January)!

In the meantime, here is a highlight reel from our time up in Canada:

  • 1031 miles driven (not including little side roads, of which there were many)
  • 6 cities stayed in
  • Approximately 40 miles hiked
  • 5 Canadian National Parks
  • 10 miles kayaking
  • 10 breweries visited (and five others sampled at other establishments)
  • 11 waterfall stops
  • 12 lake stops
  • And last but not least, 4 hot springs soaked in
Vista in Kootenay National Park
Bow Falls
Pete enjoying Nakusp Hot Springs
Our flights at cozy Angry Hen Brewing in Kaslo

What a great trip! Stay tuned to hear more about it in the weeks to come.


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Two dogs and their humans exploring their backyard.

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